My name is Cyrelle and I hail from The Bronx, NY.
How long have you been natural?
I’ve been natural for over 3 years. I did my big chop December 28, 2008. I wore my hair lower than a twa for the first 2 years.
Why did you decide to go natural?
I was determined to define beautiful according my own standards. I was so over hearing so called hair care “professionals” state that as a black woman I needed a perm in order for my hair to become more manageable.
What is your hair type and how would you describe it (kinky, curly, wavy, spirally, etc)?
I am definitely in the 4 type hair category. I have a mixture of 4a through 4c in “Cymone”, that’s my hair’s name.
What is your hair care regimen?
I wash every 7 to days with Terressentials Hair Mud wash, Deep Condition while sitting under the steamer, apply Naturlista Cosmetic Juicy leave –in and finish up with ReVe’ Essentials as my moisturizing styler.
What are your favorite hair products?
Darcy’s Botanicals Deep/Pumpkin Condition and ReVe’ Essentials Hair & Body Moisturizing Crème.
What has been your experience as a natural? Good, bad, or ugly? How has it affected you?
In the beginning my experience was horrible because I was not mentally ready to embrace the beauty of being natural. I was still buying into the notion that my natural hair was unmanageable and it was not polished. It was not until I was finally able to love my hair that I was able to enjoy it. Now, you cannot tell me, my cottony soft and shrink in a heart beat hair is not the best thing in the world.
What is an important piece of advice you would give to a newly natural?
Every hair journey is unique. And yes there are resources available to help along the way but ultimately it comes down to what works and was does not work for your hair. As well as loving your hair and wearing it confidently is what makes this journey beautiful.
Do you have a blog, vlog, or website where we can find you?
Yes, I have a youtube channel:
Do what is best for your hair. Use all natural hair resources that are available as an aid but not as the ultimate authority. Every natural hair experience is personal and different.
Thanks for sharing Cyrelle!!
If you are interested in being featured in TKK Spotlight please email me at:
Awesome. Loved it...go Cyrelle :)