Saturday, September 3, 2011

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

The other day I was going through some of my pictures to select the ones I would submit with my Queen City Naturals: Natural Hair Spotlight I finally noticed what everyone has been trying to tell me for a little while now. My co-workers who see me just about every day have been telling me that my hair has grown so much since April. I honestly didn't notice much growth until I had the proof right in front of me. I've been researching what supplements and oils would help stimulate hair growth and miraculously give me Diana Ross hair when obviously I'm already doing something right. I've come to realize that what all the natural hair veterans in the game have been saying is true; healthy hair will grow...duh!!!! So while I'm wasting valuable time trying to discover the miracle drug I just need to continue to take care of my hair by keeping her clean and moisturized. I've decided to take a step back and really listen to my hair in order to determine what she does and doesn't like. Once I do this I will be able to solidify a hair care regimen, stick to it, and watch her grow! This may pose as a bit of a challenge for me as I am not the most patient person in the world but I have to remember that slow and steady wins the race!!

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  1. While my hair is straight now (It was so curly when I was young) it is very important to keep your hair healthy?

  2. Yes it is very important to maintain a healthy head of hair no matter how you choose to wear your hair!

  3. New follower, I used to abuse my hair with checmicals and it showed! I barely put anything in my hair other then shampoo and conditioner....big difference!!!

  4. Vanessa, thanks for following the blog! I'm glad to hear that stopping the use of chemicals help you notice a different in your hair's health.

  5. I don't use chemicals on my hair ever. I'm lucky to have a cut where I don't need to. So nice. I've got healthy hair despite vitamin deficiencies. Good luck with more hair! :)

  6. We have so many hair types. I think I know my hair (from childhood) but am a little apprehensive about the natural process. Like Forest Gump and his box of chocolates "you really don't know what your gonna get". Either way I refuse to give in and see what my tresses can be. I really appreciate your blog Eve, it feels like a support group to keep it movin. Look 4ward to more info and fellowship.
